[Belt and Road] Overseas Economic and Trade Cooperation Zones 3/20 Long Jiang Industrial Park (LJIP)

Long Jiang Industrial Park (LJIP) was established in November 2007, with project term of 50 years. LJIP is located in Tan Lap 1 Commune, Tan Phuoc District, Tien Giang province, alongside the Ho Chi Minh City – Trung Luong Highway.
LJIP has outstanding features for the success of manufacturing investors:
Convenient transportation
With a distance of about 50 km to HCM city center, Saigon seaport, Hiep Phuoc seaport, and about 35km to Bourbon port, transportation of goods to/from LJIP for import/export is so convenient without traffic congestion, thanks to the newly-built HCM city – Trung Luong Highway.
Attractive tax policy
The policy includes the 15 year preferential period for corporate income tax with tax rate of 10% since having revenue, which includes 4 years of tax exemption from the 1st profit making year, and 9 subsequent years with tax rate discount by 50%. Besides, investors shall enjoy tax exemption when importing equipments and machinery to form fixed assets and 5 year tax exemption when importing raw materials, materials and semi finished products, which are not yet manufactured in Vietnam.
EPZ policy
Enterprises who exports majority of its products can register to operate under the EPZ policy in order to enjoy preferential tax policies (import tax & VAT) in accordance with the regulation of EPZ.
Abundant local labour sources
Tien Giang province has the population of about 1.8 million people, mostly young, dynamic and hard-working. Investors may easily recruit their workers from the local residents or from other nearby Mekong delta provinces.
Ready infrastructure system
With internal roads, power & water supply systems, storm drainage, sewage treatment plant, telecommunications system, and supporting services, LJIP ensures stable development for the investors in the IP.